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With reviews by Goldy, a teen who has read them all (well, most of them).

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Far From the Place We Call Home

During World War II, many children were transported to different countries. This is a story of several Jewish children who were taken from their country, from their parents, and their daily routines to a foreign country where they struggle to rebuild there lives and observe Judaism. This book illustrates the human strength even at a […]

Lieutenant Birnbaum: A Soldier’s Story

Some people seem born to lead more interesting lives than others. Meyer Birnbaum is one of them. Relive with him the crunching poverty of Brooklyn during the Depression. Experience his spiritual awakening in Young Israel. Meet R’ Elchonon Wassserman, R’ Yitzchak Hutner, and Mike Tress through the eyes of an American teenager. Encounter the anti-Semitism […]

They Called Him Mike

To everyone, Elemelech Gavriel (Michael G.) Tress was Mike, from great rabbis and high government officials to the youngsters on the streets and the survivors he rescued from certain death. What made this man so outstanding, so winning, so idolized? He was as charismatic and effective a leader as the fledgling American Orthodoxy possessed, before […]

Nan’s Long Journey

Nan is only ten years old when the winds of war begin to sweep through her native Berlin. Orphaned at a young age, little Nan is sent by her gentile father to Zurich, Switzerland, where her stern grandmother cares for her under duress, insisting that Nan forget her deceased mother and the threads that inexplicably […]

Into the Fire

Salonika (Thessaloniki) had an amazing Jewish community for 2,300 years, until Germany invaded and murdered nearly every Jewish resident. Forced to leave a heartbroken family behind, Daniel faces a destiny he could never have imagined. Meet Gavriel Florentin. Daniel and Gavriel eventually meet and forge a unique friendship, that will ultimately change both of their lives […]

The Stars Will Guide You

Who says learning history has to be boring? There are now some great books of historical Jewish fiction. This novel set against the backdrop of the little-known story of Rome’s Jews during World War II and the Holocaust will surprise and uplift you. It is a story of despair and hope, a saga of transformation […]