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With reviews by Goldy, a teen who has read them all (well, most of them).

Best Jewish Books Logo

The Year of the Sword

This book covers a common Jewish theme – anti-Semitism. It is set in the midst of the dreadful catastrophe that befell the Jewish people in Poland over three hundred years ago, a catastrophe that is all but forgotten. It is a story about the violent pogroms that characterized the Cossack uprisings of 1648 and 1649, […]

The Secret Tunnel

During the time of King Hezekiah (ca. 700 BCE), the wicked King Sennacherib of Assyria threatened to conquer Jerusalem. Many other cities had already fallen to Sennacherib, but the Prophet Isaiah told the Jewish people to trust in God. The danger was imminent, for the powerful enemy could easily win by simply blocking off the […]

Into the Fire

Salonika (Thessaloniki) had an amazing Jewish community for 2,300 years, until Germany invaded and murdered nearly every Jewish resident. Forced to leave a heartbroken family behind, Daniel faces a destiny he could never have imagined. Meet Gavriel Florentin. Daniel and Gavriel eventually meet and forge a unique friendship, that will ultimately change both of their lives […]